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What happens if u eat too much.

Eating intuitively — eating when you're hungry, stopping when you're full — should be simple enough, right? In theory, yes, but the temptation to indulge is everywhere, from the occasional birthday cake at work taunting your mid-afternoon cravings to the pint of ice cream you keep crammed into the back corner of your freezer. And while indulging sometimes is all well and good, doing it too often can have health repercussions.

Overeating is typically associated with junk food, but you can overdo it on the good-for-you foods, too. In fact, Robert Glatter, M.D., an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital, Northwell Health defined overeating, or eating too much, as simply a situation of taking in an excess amount of food in relation to how much your body a) needs and b) can handle at once.

Eating too much is subjective to your body, and depends on a few key details

Eating Plates Restaurant Table Food Meal Dinner

Your body composition, age, height, how much you move throughout the day, your sleeping patterns, medical conditions, and even your health goals should be taken into consideration when measuring how much is too much, registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator and certified health coach at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Grace Derocha told INSIDER.

"Individuals can measure how much is too much by combining food journaling, portion control, and measurement with mindfulness and intuitive eating," Derocha explained. "Using these tactics to learn the difference between when your body is full or satisfied versus hungry will help reinforce when too much is being consumed.

how can you ease a stomach that's been fully loaded?

water drink glass drinking

First things first, if you do eat too much, remember to be gentle with yourself not just physically, but also mentally, too. Move forward and, if you want, incorporate healthy, nutrient-dense foods into your next meal.

Once you've come to terms with the fact that you've overeaten, and your body is probably paying the price, Derocha said your first order of business should be to drink the recommended six to eight glasses of water per day to keep hydrated, help the body digest, and also to help detox your system from the excessive sodium intake.

As far as physical activity goes, Derocha told INSIDER exercise can help jumpstart your metabolism and help your body work off the extra calories. However, rigorous exercise probably isn't the best idea too soon after you've cleared your plate. Instead, Glatter suggested going for a light walk or practicing yoga might help you feel better and aid in digestion.
